

ITASC most recent consultants services 2012-2015

Save the Children Lebanon (SCL)
ITASC was contracted by SCL to conduct a Child Rights Situation Analysis (CRSA) which constitutes an essential source of data intended to inform Save the Children’s (SC) strategic decision making related to both development and humanitarian programming in Lebanon.  All SC Country Offices will carry out a CRSA as basis for the development of a new strategy for 2016–2018. Save the Children Lebanon (SCL) has decided to carry out a CRSA due to an identified need to develop a stronger base for developing rights based programs that, to a larger extent than currently, guarantees better integration between humanitarian and development efforts, for sustainability and enhanced resilience in marginalized children in Lebanon.

Unicef Gulf Area Office
ITASC was contracted to undertake the situation analysis of chilfren in Kuwait (SITAN) including consultations with children. The latter is a standard study that UNICEF carries out worldwide on countries basis.

SIDA (Swedish government funding agency) has commissioned an independent evaluation of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute´s (RWI) regional programme “Building Human Rights” Knowledge and Resources in the Middle East and North Africa”.The evalustion is carried out by the consultancy firm Indevelop. ITASC undertook mobilization of regional experts and implementation of part of the regional evaluation including Jordan, Palenstine and Lebanon.

The Permanent Peace Movement-Lebanon*
Fundraising and technical assistance for UNDEF funded project in Lebanon, “Democratic and Empowerment Processes-DEEP” relating to youth participation rights and democratic processes.

Fundraising and Technical Assistance consultancies for various projects for various clients:

  • Human Security Initiative-MAMAN-Sudan
  • Justice Without Frontiers
  • The Permanent Peace Movement-Lebanon
  • Al ZAWRAK Association-Lebanon
  • ASSIA Municipality-Lebanon

ITASC Consultancy services 2010-2011

Client: DIAKONI-Swedish NGO
Consultancy relating to undertaking a mapping study of critical trends and change processes and important actors in these processes. The study was conducted as a tool for the strategic planning precess for Diakonia in Lebanon.

Client: Welfare Association funded by several UK Donors
ITASC undertook Final Evaluation of the active Learning project in Lebanon, in Beddawi and Nahr El Bared palestinian Camps.

Client: Women Programs Association funded by UNRWA
ITASC Conducted a training workshop and practical follow up for the nine centers of the Women Programs’ Association on Strategic Planning, Fundraising Strategies, Project Cycle Management and LFA.